Information for parents

Information for parents



Key Stage 3 - 4 Ages 11 - 16

Secondary Course

Wingate Secondary School is home to over 500 students from more than 28 nationalities. We follow the UK National Curriculum, supplemented by Spanish lessons. Our Senior School maintains a traditional atmosphere, featuring Prefects selected from Year 11 and a strict uniform policy. Subjects such as Science, Maths, English, and Spanish, we organise smaller groups to enhance individual learning.

For many families, relocating to Tenerife and enrolling their children in a British school represents a significant transition. Our website’s Policies section offers extensive advice and guidance for families, including details on the ‘British Schools Academic Pathway.’ Additionally, our ‘English as an Additional Language’ policy provides information on the extra support available for students learning English as a second language. Every student participates in an entry interview with the Head of School to ensure that Wingate is the right fit for their learning needs.

At Wingate School, we utilise Google Classroom, and each student is required to have a Chromebook. This educational system provides students and parents with access to a wide array of teaching resources, enabling students to reinforce their learning at home.

We closely monitor student progress through three reports and two parent-teacher afternoons each year, during which parents can meet with their child’s tutor and subject teachers. To foster a strong school-parent relationship, parents can request a meeting at any time by scheduling an appointment through the Office. Effective home-school communication is vital to supporting your child’s academic success.

In Years 7, 8, and 9, all students study Spanish Social Science, which is taught in English. In line with Spanish educational requirements, Spanish national students must study Spanish Social Science in Spanish during Years 10 and 11. This arrangement enables students to validate their British qualifications and facilitates access to Spanish educational pathways, which is also available to our top-set Spanish students.

Curriculum overview

The essence of the Wingate Education

“The journey your child will take as a senior will be one that is supported by many as they work towards their personal best, seeking a learning pathway that resonates with them, and ultimately reaching their personal level of success upon graduation. All students will be assigned to a pastoral tutor who will support individuals through regular one-to-one meetings; creating clear communication pathways with subject teachers, senior management, and parents. Tutors are also on hand to support our students in developing ‘Personalised Learning’ across the school as we build more ways for them to take ownership of their education;  develop their confidence and maximise personal learning outcomes.”

Miss Tolfrey - Head of Senior School

Year 7 - 9 Key Stage 3


The overarching aim for students studying English at Wingate School is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. 
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The programme of study for Mathematics at key stage 3 is organised into units that build and develop from key stage 2. Students should make connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning, and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.
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Wingate students follow the UK National Curriculum where our aim is that all students are able to describe scientific processes and key characteristics in a common language. Students will also be familiar with, and use technical terminology. Wingate students will build up an extended specialist vocabulary to be used in scientific experiments and reports.
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Art & Design

Wingate students will be taught to develop their creativity and ideas, and increase proficiency in their execution. They will develop a critical understanding of artists, architects, and designers, expressing reasoned judgments that can inform their own work. Pupils will use a range of techniques to record their observations in sketchbooks, journals, and other media as a basis for exploring their ideas.
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Wingate’s budding computer programmers are taught to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy. Students should be able to recognise inappropriate content, contact, and conduct and know how to report concerns.
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Wingate Geographers follow the UK National Curriculum for Geography where pupils develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine. Students will develop their ability to define physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the links that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world.
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Wingate Historians follow the UK National Curriculum for history which aims to ensure that all pupils know and understand the history of Britain as a coherent, chronological narrative, from the earliest times to the present day. Students will learn how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world.
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Modern Languages

Our Wingate linguists are streamed into sets according to their capabilities. All students will build on the foundations of language learning laid at key stage 2, whether pupils continue with the same language or take up a new one. Students will focus on developing the breadth and depth of their competence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, based on a sound foundation of core grammar and vocabulary.
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Spanish as a First Language

Native Spanish Speakers follow the Spanish National Curriculum with a clear focus on reading, writing, active listening, and speaking. Students will understand the importance of grammatical structures and patterns, extended vocabulary, and have access to a variety of text covering different genres; poetry, play scripts, news articles, and more informal blogs and diaries.
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Social Science

In line with the Spanish system, all Wingate students study Social Science at KS3 where they learn the History and Geography of Spain. Students are taught using a variety of resources and styles including media, presentations, speeches, debates as well as formative and summative assessments. Students develop their minds and learning techniques in readiness for the more in-depth course at KS4.


Our Wingate performers and musicians follow the UK National Curriculum where pupils build on their previous knowledge and skills through performing, composing, and listening. Students will develop their vocal and instrumental fluency, accuracy, and expressiveness. Students will experience and understand musical structures, styles, genres, and traditions, identifying the expressive use of musical dimensions.
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PSHE - Personal, Social & Health Education

All students have access to a Personal Tutor who delivers the PSHE course. Wingate students follow a clear scheme of work that covers all areas of their lives in and out of the classroom. PSHE is a vital support to all our students where they are given the life skills they need. Students will cover a wide range of topics including study techniques, mental wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, sex education, and online safety as well as researching career and academic pathways for their future.

Religious Education

Wingate School believes that every child has the capacity to learn, engage, reflect and experience quality Religious Education. RE is taught within a creative, thought-provoking and understanding environment. We discuss the different cultures, religions, and traditions within our diverse communities that are local, national, and worldwide. 
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Year 10 - 11 Key Stage 4

First Language English

All students take Edexcel International GCSE English Language A. Assessment is 100% examination and will be graded using the 9 to 1 grading system. You will prepare for two papers: Paper 1, ‘Non-fiction Texts and Transactional Writing’ (2 hours and 15 minutes), worth worth 60% of the total mark, and Paper 2, ‘Poetry and Prose Texts and Imaginative Writing’ (1 hour 30 minutes), worth 40% of the total mark.
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English Literature

All students have the opportunity to prepare for the Edexcel International GCSE English Literature examination, which will be graded using the 9 to 1 grading system. You will learn to read, critically analyse and respond to literary texts in depth (prose, poetry and drama).
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Students will continue to learn Maths in the same way as in Year 9. Use of a calculator is encouraged throughout the course and students are expected to bring one to every lesson, as well as their normal mathematical equipment (compass, protractor, ruler etc).
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Here at Wingate we feel it is very important that a Science subject is included in a young person’s broad base of education. Students have the opportunity to continue to study individual Sciences (see Blocks A & B below) but almost all students will follow the IGCSE Biology Edexcel syllabus. The Science department offers the Entry Level Certificate for Science which is only available to a small number of students and is explained below.


Biology is an interesting and inspiring course suitable for those wanting a final IGCSE qualification and those who require a sound basis for further study. The course includes aspects of modern Biology appropriate for the 21st Century.
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Entry Level Certificate in Science

The Entry Level Certificate in Science has been designed by Edexcel to provide a progression route for lower attainers. It is an option we use at Wingate for pupils whom we believe will not pass the IGCSE Biology. It helps build confidence and engagement with Science and allows pupils to leave with a Science qualification.
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The year group will be divided between: Advanced, Intermediate and Beginners. In the Advanced set, Spanish is taught as a first language where all students will sit the Edexcel Spanish GCSE at the end of Year 10. Advanced students will then continue their Spanish course in Year 11 preparing for the GCE A level; covering both Spanish Language and Literature. First language Spanish students will also sit the internal First Language exam needed to pass Homologación.
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This subject is non examinable but compulsory for all students. It is designed to help students develop as individuals. It covers personal development, careers education, health and wellbeing, study skills, skills for independent living, target setting and ‘Education for Employability’.
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Sport and physical activity are considered important at Wingate and are timetabled each week where students will develop their performance in various sports including football, rounders, athletics and netball amongst others. IGCSE PE is a separate optional subject for those who would like a formal qualification in “Physical Education”.

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GCSE Results 2024

Subject Nº of Students Overall Pass Rates Percentage Grades 4-9
Percentage Grades 7-9
Maths 40 100% 93% 41%
English Language 39 100% 93% 32%
English Literature 39 100% 98% 42%
Spanish 39 100% 99% 86%
Biology 35 100% 95% 48%
Chemistry 13 100% 100% 93%
Physics 18 100% 95% 44%
Business 12 100% 92% 33%
History 12 100% 86% 28%
Psychology 12 100% 100% 48%
Geography 12 100% 100% 33%
Art & Design 9 100% 100% 44%
Russian 9 100% 100% 100%
French 13 100% 100% 82%
PE 12 100% 84% 24%
TOTAL: 314 100% 96% 52%

Grading structure explained

New Grading Structure Previous Grading Structure
9 A*
8 A*
7 B
6 C
5 C
4 C
3 D
2 F
1 G

Additional info

Useful information for parents

Information Regarding "Homologación" 

Homologación is the recognition by the Spanish authorities that a benchmarked level of Secondary education, Spanish language and Spanish studies has been achieved. The importance of Homologación, the requirements and process will be explained to all students.

Homologación is equivalent to:

  • Year 11 = 4º ESO (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria)
  • Year 13 = Bachillerato

What you need to qualify for Homologación at the end of Year 11:

  • 4 (I)GCSEs with grade C, 4 or higher (this can include Spanish IGCSE)
  • You must pass the Spanish* and Social Science internal examinations, which are based on the Spanish curriculum. The Spanish curriculum is only taught in Set 1 Spanish. These examinations are inspected and validated by the Spanish authorities.

* The Spanish result at IGCSE does not guarantee you a pass in the Spanish curriculum examinations.
Homologacion is required at the end of Year 11 if students wish to continue onto Spanish vocational qualifications or Bachillerato.

What you need to qualify for Homologación at the end of Year 13:

  • The Homologación certificate from Year 11
  • 5 GCSEs with grade C, level 4 or higher
  • 2 A levels* at grade E or higher or 2 AS and 1 A level with grade E or higher

* Spanish is not a compulsory subject and there are no Social Science studies in the Sixth Form Homologación is required at the end of Year 13 if students wish to continue onto Spanish vocational qualifications at higher level. It could be also required for entry into a Spanish University in some cases.

What is “Social Science”?

Social Science combines both Geography and History from the Spanish curriculum.

In Years 7, 8 and 9 Social Science lessons are on the school timetable and taught in English.In Years 10 and 11, these lessons are taught in Spanish to the Set 1 Spanish Group and is compulsory for students with Spanish nationality and optional for other nationalities who wish to obtain Homologación. This will not affect their other (I)GCSE subjects.


If a student does NOT wish to study Social Science in Year 10 and 11 then it will not be possible  to obtain Homologación. Studies at Wingate School will not be validated by the Spanish authorities and consequently the student will be unable to attend further education (such as Bachillerato and Formación Profesional) via the Spanish system. However, it will be possible to enter the Spanish University with the A levels.

Mr M. Howells
Head of Wingate School

Graduation Requirements: In order to meet the equivalent of High School graduation requirements the students must complete a minimum of five International General Certificates of Education at level 4 or above at the end of year 11 (year 10 USA).

Study courses for High School Graduation equivalent: A Wingate student must complete the courses for the following compulsory International General Certificates of Education; English, English Literature, Mathematics, Spanish, Biology. Students also choose to complete three of the following elective courses; IGCSE Geography, Physical Education, History, Physics, Psychology, Chemistry, French, Business or BTEC IT, BTEC Art and Design, BTEC Performing Arts.

Document download

Useful documents for parents

Year 10-11 Options booklet - 2024/2025

IGCSE English Language and Literature Revision Books

What’s next after Secondary?

Embark on the next step of your child's Wingate journey: Discover Sixth Form - BTEC.

Sixth Form

Age 16 -18

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